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Our Journey

The loss of a four-legged family member is always difficult. They are part of the family, our closest confidants and our best friends. It’s only once they are not there, that we realise what a significant part of our family they are.  In clinic, the loss of our client’s animals is not easy.  We are also on a journey, normally at the end stages of life, with many of these pets.  Our heart goes out to owners, as we understand the hurt you go through at these times of loss.   The poem below rings true to many of our faithful mates that have gone to the “Rainbow Bridge”.

Our Journey

In our Journey through life you’ve always been at my side

At times it has been bumpy but we’ve both enjoyed the ride

We’ve had our challenges, our ups and our downs

Our mistakes, our accidents and the odd grumpy frown

But you’ve given me unconditional love and company right up to the end

Now it’s time for both of us to move on, we wouldn’t let go if we had the choice

You read the thoughts in my eyes and heard the crack in my voice

Nature has set the rules, but it still doesn’t seem fair

It’s hit me hard, at times almost too tough to bear

But now there’s no pain, no suffering, you’re peacefully at rest

Till we meet again my dearest friend, you were simply the best.