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Ray, Jake & Reily Everest

For many years we have been seeing Ray Everest at our Greensborough Hospital with his assorted family pets, but Curly Coated Retrievers would by far be his favourite breed.

He now owns his fourth, but Ray seems to have become softer, as these latest Retrievers are more like his pets and mates compared to the working dogs that he has had in the past.

Jake, the Curly Coat is now a 4 year old that originally came from a farm. When Ray collected him, Jake was full of grass seeds. This is a common problem for dogs on farms and Jake required an anaesthetic to remove the numerous grass seeds from his ears, skin folds and armpits. They become extremely sore and eventually abscess if left untreated. The other member of the 3 man team is Reily. He has recently become more protective of Ray as Riley has aged. This was a partnership that was destined. Ray received a phone call from a friend connected with an Animal Aid Shelter. A male chocolate Curly Coat Retriever was at the shelter who was approximately 7 years old and needed a family desperately. Older animals are always more difficult to rehome. Once at the shelter for a look, there was no way Ray could walk away, and this is how Reily, the now 9 year old, came to be an Everest. Reily’s main medical issue is recurring ear problems. He has an ongoing ear condition requiring medication and this may be a reason why he was surrendered for adoption.

Now the 3 man team has a great lifestyle, whether they are exercising at a local park, playing ball or their favourite past time, fishing. This is how the team gets the name, Mr.Cod, The Murray Dog Whisperer. They love getting in the boat with the dogs “on point” at the nose of the boat like they are on watch. They love the activity, the swim afterwards and just being out with Ray.

They recently celebrated there mate George’s birthday, a Golden Retriever, which can be seen on youtube. In a perfect world all dogs would get the love, attention and time that the Everest’s give their dogs.