Genetic DNA Analysis

Are you ready to uncover the breeds that make your dog truly one-of-a-kind? There is now testing available called “Wisdom Panel” that uses DNA analysis to offer breed detection.
When you understand your dog's natural tendencies, you can tailor a training, exercise and nutrition program to his needs.
It is done by a simple blood test at our clinic - Please ask our staff.
What will my dog's report tell me?
The ADVANCE™ Mixed Breed Identification DNA Test detects the breeds in your dog's ancestry. Your report can be interpreted in the following way:
- Parent A breed that represents approximately 50% of your dog's DNA. You are likely to see the most physical and behavioral traits from this breed. Dogs with mixed-breed parents will not have a breed represented at this level.
- Grandparent A breed that represents approximately 25% of your dog's DNA. You may see some physical and behavioral traits from this breed. Dogs with a very mixed ancestry may not have a breed represented at this level.
- Great-Grandparent A breed that represents approximately 12.5% of your dog's DNA. You are unlikely to see many traits from this breed unless they are dominant.
What Is a Mixed Breed Dog?
A mixed breed dog is a cross between two dogs of different breed. Mixed breed dogs can vary in the complexity of their heritage - from the most simple first generation cross breed mix of two pedigree breeds (for example, the Cockapoo, which is the offspring of a Cocker Spaniel and a Poodle) to outbred dogs that live in freely interbreeding populations in the wild.
Features Of Mixed Breed Dogs
A range of possible body shapes and sizes may be seen in the appearance of mixed breed dogs that arise from their purebred ancestors, including specific ear types, tail styles, muzzle shapes and coat lengths, colors and textures.
Physical features characteristic of certain breeds, such as the flattened face of the British Bulldog or the extremely curled tail of the Pug, seldom survive even the first crossbreeding.
Typical Ear types
Typical Tail styles
Typical Muzzle shapes